
Sell your Bitcoin

Sell Bitcoin

Are you wanting to sell Bitcoin?

Are you wanting to Sell Bitcoin? McLeod Pacific Investments can purchase your Bitcoins today and are happy to pay via Cash Deposit, Bank Transfer or in person. Also, whilst we can purchase your Bitcoins during office hours we are available outside of office hours. Consequently regardless of your situation don’t hesitate to Contact Us and we can advise as to whether or not  we can assist you.

Payment Methods

As well as including cash deposit or bank transfer payment into your account, McLeod Pacific Investments also offer in person trades. Subsequently do not hesitate to Contact Us today to discuss the best method for you.

Exchange rate

We offer super-competitive rates! Just as importantly, we also keep you abreast of the trade process, so you are aware at all times of the status of the trade. Coupled with our lightning fast payments, you will never use a standard exchange again!

Trade Safely

Do you want to trade with us online? McLeod Pacific Investments use the Local Bitcoins and Binance trading platform. Therefore, you have the security of an escrow facility, coupled with trading with a registered Digital Currency Exchange provider.

How can I Sell Bitcoin?

Sell Bitcoin with McLeod Pacific Investments simply with:

What trading platform do we use?

For online trades, McLeod Pacific Investments use the Localbitcoins and Binance P2P trading platforms. This means that when you open a trade with us, the coins are held in escrow until such time as the trade is completed. This gives both parties the security that the Bitcoins are truly available and that payment will be made. Simple, Secure and Efficient!

Sell Bitcoin for Cash Deposit or
bank transfer into your bank

If you have any queries about the process – please feel welcome to Contact Us and a McLeod Pacific Investments Team Member will happily assist you . 

Bank Transfer

Sell Bitcoin with Bank Transfer


We pride ourselves on helping traders throughout the trading process. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact us on 0406 594 829 if you have any questions before or during the trade process.

In Person



If you have any queries about selling bitcoin to McLeod Pacific Investments, please feel welcome to Contact Us and a McLeod Pacific Investments Team Member will gladly assist you.


Are you ready to trade in Bitcoin? Contact us!

Reach out today and we can assist with any enquiries you might have about trading in Bitcoin.